Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Tobias Irikura

yobi after a long day of working and stalking all of fabianas' barrientos' friends' substacks' i have revised my opinion.

u are by far the best writer out of all of them. you have very good organization, even if you are a child of nepotism. all is full of love ❤️❤️❤️yay

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Thank you for reading Chase as you can see Suspiria got an honorable mention

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Jul 9Liked by Tobias Irikura

great list toby, no notes! I was grinning ear to ear the entire time I read it, repeating aloud, yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion! yes, this is the Correct Opinion!

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Only good comment

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yobi you are one pretentious mf i cansee that fabdabkid has a type...now do one that includes suspiria or i gore myself on camera

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toby what the hell is this list. first of all, theres two nino scores on here and neither of them are amarcord. secondly, vangelis gets TWO honorable mentions but Curtis Mayfields' SUPERFLY ISNT ON HERE? NO SHAFT!? get fucking real. and you know mishima is not better than koyaanisqatsi don't even fucking joke about that. I havent even started on how you put Raiders on here and Jaws doesnt even get a cursory mention. and as for bernard... what about Taxi Driver?! WHAT ABOUT PSYCHO!!! get your ass back to the drawing board. Phantom Thread > TWBB too.

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you're real lucky i didnt notice until now that Paris, Texas wasn't on here either. We might have to settle this in the street.

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I haven’t seen Koyaanisqatsi. The Jaws score is iconic, but ultimately not a good score outside of a couple places. Shaft is mostly not good aside from the opening theme. Vertigo is Herrmann’s best score, bite me. As much as I like the score for Amarcord, it’s not as good as the two Nino Scores here.

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Just because you don't want sit down and listen to it outside of the movie doesnt mean its bad. the Jaws score is great because in the function of the movie it plays with not just the audience but the physical space of the movie. its a character in and of itself. you're extremely wrong about the shaft score. Vertigo is barely top 5 herrmann eat my ass. Amarcord is the best nino score easily. the godfather score is really only worth the theme anyway.

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Yeah I get your Jaws argument you’re still wrong Indiana Jones is better also he stole the Jaws motif from Dvorak Symphony No. 9

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Don't Care + Didn't Ask + dun dun... dun dun... dundundundundundundun

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Wrong wrong wrong wrong all around the waltz from the godfather is great as well. It serves to personify and chronicle Michael’s fall from grace by extremely slow but marked orchestral subtleties and developments of motifs. Its beautifully orchestrated and it functions as a character itself

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hitting the you're wrong buzzer so loud that i give both of us tinnitus.

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burch is so right about the godfather it’s crazy

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